As you read this, I want to make this VERY clear and plain. Even though we partner and work in schools, we are MORE than what your school can offer. Because of things you won't understand yet, the school HAS to do certain things when you say what's really on your mind. We are here to make a safe space for you to express yourself and offer advice and guidance to you. From the year 2007 and 2017 (the timeframe many of you were born), the amount of people from the ages of 10-24 suicide rate increased by 56%. Which means, in 2017 there were 56,000 people who took their own lives because of the problems that they carried in life. If you are on this page, it is because we love you. Either we told you about this page, or someone told you to come to this page. We love you. We want you here, we need you here! If you are dealing with any dark thoughts, you are feeling sad, doubting your purpose in life, or feel like you don't even have a purpose or a reason to be alive, please "chat with us" in your bottom right corner. You can do this without us knowing who you are, but if you are older or you are comfortable with commenting from your personal account, please comment and share anything with the tribe. We really need everyone, because we have all been there. I just want you to know you are here because you have a reason to be here, you have a mission to complete. There are enemies who don't want you to complete that mission and we are here to back you up. You have a whole army behind you and we will not stop until you succeed by completing your mission. We have the support, understanding, and ABILITY to give you the help you need. Please contact us, we got you!
- Mr. Moman
This is a nice program, i like how you are thinking about the kids.